Madison, Wis. – Senator Rob Stafsholt (R – New Richmond) issued the following statement as the new legislative session begins:
“I look forward to continue working hard for the people of the 10th Senate District this legislative session. The message I hear all across my district is the need to focus on workforce development to fill job openings at our local businesses, keep taxes down and rein in government overreach. I will continue working in a bipartisan manner with my colleagues to achieve these priorities.”
Senator Stafsholt will be Chair of the Committee on Financial Institutions & Sporting Heritage, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Economic Development & Technical Colleges and serve on the Committee on Housing, Rural Issues & Forestry. In addition, he will continue his work from Chairing the Study Committee on Occupational Licenses.
“We must reform our state agencies to be more responsive and accountable to our residents. I will continue my work from last session of implementing long-term solutions that will fix the problems plaguing the Department of Safety and Professional Services. I truly believe my study committee was able to come up with several long-term solutions and I look forward to crafting those ideas into legislation and starting them in the committee process.”
“It’s an honor serving the people of the 10th Senate District as your State Senator. I always welcome people’s thoughts and ideas on current issues and legislation so feel free to reach out so that I can do my best to represent you. As always, I am committed to being your voice in Madison.”
Senator Stafsholt encourages constituents to visit his website and sign up for his biweekly E-Updates. In addition, please feel free to contact his office with any questions, comments or concerns. The office contact information is listed below:
Telephone: (608) 266-7745
Mail: P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707-7882