Madison, WI – Rob Stafsholt (R – New Richmond) issued the following statement after voting for the 2023-25 state budget:

“I was happy to cast my vote for the 2023-25 Wisconsin state budget. The last few months have been a battle for me as I have been focused on increasing the percentage of the shared revenue dollars that are provided in this budget that go back to smaller and midsized municipalities so they can spend it on things like local roads and public safety. Though there has been improvement, I do not think it is enough and I will continue to work hard to get a bigger portion of the pot collected in Madison to come back to our rural areas.

“In the end, this is truly a conservative budget that responsibly funds the state’s priorities, provides historic tax cuts, invests in K-12 education and healthcare, pays down debt to save millions on interest and leaves the state with a surplus balance to ensure Wisconsin is set up for the future.  I look forward to Governor Evers signing this budget into law.

“I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me over the past few months. I appreciate hearing from so many of my constituents on the numerous parts of this budget. Thank you to all those who had me come to their small businesses, association meetings, school, and more to allow me to get a hands-on approach of how this budget affects you. The feedback was invaluable to hear first-hand the affect the budget would have on us up here in Northwestern Wisconsin.

“While no budget will ever be perfect, I feel confident that my vote reflects the will and wishes of the 10th Senate District. It is an honor to represent you and I remain committed to being your voice in Madison.”