MADISON – Upon learning of the duty-related death of a Milwaukee Police Officer Peter Jerving, State Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement:
“There are few jobs, that when you leave home, you don’t know if you are going to make it back at the end of the day. Today, Officer Jerving’s family’s worst fears were realized. Today, the Milwaukee Police Department lost a colleague, friend, and a brother. And while, many of us didn’t personally know the officer, we are all impacted.
Two lives were lost in this tragedy and we have to ask what can we do differently? Is it more officers, more resources, more penalties, or more you fill in the blank? As an elected official, this is what keeps you up at night.
For now, I am humbled to learn of Officer Jerving’s many positive contributions to the department and the Milwaukee community. The days ahead will be difficult. I am hopeful that some comfort will be possible as this young officer’s life is remembered”.