MadisonWI — A proposal authored by Senator Eric Wimberger (R-Green Bay) to address PFAS contamination in Wisconsin was referred to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy, chaired by co-sponsor Senator Rob Cowles (R-Green Bay). 

“I’m happy to see the first step being taken to get this needed legislation across the finish line,” said Wimberger. “Residents and municipalities in my Senate District and across the state have been dealing with concerns about the safety of their water for years, and this legislation will be an avenue for them to get some relief.”

Senate Bill 312 includes a PFAS Municipal Grant Program to help municipalities with testing and treatment costs and an Innocent Landowner Grant Program to help ease the cost of necessary well replacement, environmental studies, clean water supplies and more. Other provisions in the bill include efforts to reduce the cost of testing, expedite the cleanup of known contamination sites, kick-off additional studies and streamline the regulatory process for communities looking to address PFAS.

In addition to this legislation, Senator Wimberger recently led his Joint Committee on Finance colleagues in approving the creation of a $125 million PFAS Fund in the state budget. This legislation once signed into law, could be an eligible expense for this approved funding.