MADISON— The Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership is pleased to announce an event focusing on Electric Vehicles (EVs) and their impact on Wisconsin. The event is set for Wednesday September 13, 2023, check-in begins at 5 p.m. with the program beginning at 5:30 p.m. at The Culver Center, UW-Oshkosh.

Considering federal government action to encourage widespread use of EVs, join the discussion with our panel of professionals on how EVs will impact businesses and residents in Wisconsin.

Our panel of experts include: Dan Krueger, Executive Vice President of WE Energy Group; Michael Moore, Vice President for Engineering at Oshkosh Corporation; Joel Nilsestuen, Assistant Deputy Secretary for the DOT; and Benjamin Richardson, Director of Parking & Transportation at UW – Oshkosh. This event will be moderated by Hayley Tenpas, host of Focus Fox Valley on WHBY radio.

Register today.

This hybrid event is free and open to the public.

This event is sponsored by the Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership in collaboration with The Whitburn Center for Governance and Policy Research and WisPolitics – WisBusiness.

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