WASHINGTON, DC – Today, House Republicans introduced the Parents Bill of Rights Act to empower parents and hold school districts accountable. House Republicans delivered on our promise to protect our children’s educations based on five commonsense principles:
1. Parents have the right to know what’s being taught;
2. Parents have the right to be heard;
3. Parents have the right to see the school budget and spending;
4. Parents have the right to protect their child’s privacy; and
5. Parents have the right to be updated on any violent activity at school.
Congressman Fitzgerald’s legislation, the CRT Transparency Act, which was included in the bill, ensures local school districts post the curriculum for each grade of their elementary and secondary schools on a publicly accessible website as a condition of federal funding.
“This legislation fulfills what parents all across America have been asking for, to make sure their child is receiving a quality education, said Congressman Scott Fitzgerald.“ For too long, teachers’ unions, bureaucrats, and woke school administrators have sought to inject their political beliefs into classrooms and divert critical funding for special interest projects. This is the first step in putting parents and children first, and ensuring our students receive the best education to prepare them for the future.”