WASHINGTON, D.C.– Reps. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and Katie Porter (D-CA) today re-introduced the bipartisan Billion Dollar Boondoggle Act, legislation that would increase transparency and accountability in large-scale government projects. The bill requires an annual report to taxpayers listing every government-funded project that is $1 billion or more over budget, or that is five or more years behind schedule.
“In Congress, we can’t be responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars if we treat the mismanagement of multibillion-dollar government projects like business as usual,” said Rep. Gallagher. “Requiring the federal government to report on projects that are over budget or behind schedule is the least we can do to increase transparency, provide accountability, and ensure these boondoggles don’t become bottomless money pits.”
“If federal projects are over budget or behind schedule, taxpayers deserve answers as to why,” said Rep. Porter, a member of the House Oversight Committee. “Congress has a duty to the American people to verify that tax dollars are being used responsibly, and this bipartisan legislation helps us meet that obligation to hold federal agencies accountable.”
The Billion Dollar Boondoggle Act requires the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to submit to Congress an annual report listing every government-funded project that is $1 billion or more over budget or five years or more behind schedule. For each project, the report would provide:
- a brief description, including the purpose, location, the year in which it was begun, the Federal share of the total cost, and the contractors and grant recipients;
- an explanation of any change to the original scope of the project, including adding to or narrowing of the initial requirements;
- the original expected and current expected completion date;
- the original and current cost estimate;
- an explanation for a delay in completion or increase in the original cost estimate; and,
- the amount of and rationale for any award, incentive fee, or other type of bonus awarded for the project.