The Wisconsin Catholic Conference, the public policy voice of Wisconsin’s bishops, expresses its deep sadness and dismay that Planned Parenthood plans to resume abortions in Wisconsin. In 1849, Wisconsin banned abortion and in 1853, it abolished the death penalty. Our state was truly ahead of its time in recognizing the value of every human life and opposing state-sanctioned violence. Planned Parenthood’s decision is not a step forward, but a real step backward for human rights.

It bears repeating that taking a human life is not health care, for it is neither healthy nor caring. Abortion is seen as a quick solution to human problems. However, as Pope Francis has written, “It is not ‘progressive’ to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life” (Evangelii Gaudium, 214). Every human being is unique, whole, and sacred, and therefore every human being deserves the right to live.

At the same time, an unexpected pregnancy can present real and significant challenges. Just as every child deserves protection, every woman deserves access to resources and community support throughout her pregnancy and in the years to come. Every woman deserves high-quality prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care, maternity leave, childcare, and other necessary supports for her and her family.

The Catholic Church stands ready and willing to walk alongside women experiencing challenges during pregnancy and parenthood. The Church’s initiative, Walking With Moms in Need, seeks to ensure that no woman is alone when faced with such challenges. If you or someone you know is in need, please reach out to a local parish or Catholic Charities. Pregnancy resource centers are also an invaluable source of support and can be found across Wisconsin.

Legislatively, the WCC will continue to advocate for expanding postpartum care, reducing costs for birth, removing sales tax on feminine hygiene products and baby supplies, funding for pregnancy resource centers, adoption tax credits, and more. The Embrace Them Both bill package, which will receive a public hearing in the Senate on Tuesday, September 19, is a significant step forward. The WCC is ready to work with all legislators on additional legislation to support both mother and child. True justice protects the rights of both women and children, rather than pitting them against each other. We all can and must do better.

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