Milwaukee—February 16—Today, YWCA Southeast Wisconsin (SEW) President and CEO Tracy Williams will attend an event at the White House to meet with various senior administration officials to discuss the local impact of the Biden-Harris Administration. Attendees include Wisconsin mayors, tribal leaders and other community leaders throughout the state. 

“In leading the YWCA SEW, I seek to deepen our community engagement by using our facility as a community asset, centering our mission, and extending our programming intergenerationally,” said Williams. “Redeveloping our space will increase our presence. We have a 130-year legacy, and we are seeking to create positive impacts and build relationships that will ensure we extend our programming to women, families and youth. We will wholistically embody what it means to empower women by reimagining how we use our space as a resource for the broader community framed around strengths and community assets.”

At the event, Williams, along with the other attendees, will share real-life examples, data and anecdotes of the local impact of the current administration. They will also learn more about the Biden-Harris administration’s economic agenda and ways to continue partnering with the administration that they can bring back to their respective communities.

“In leading a new reimagined approach of the YWCA SEW, this meeting is a valuable opportunity to convene with elected officials and like-minded change agents. To dismantle systematic barriers facing women, girls of color and marginalized communities, we must create actionable solutions together to improve the state of Wisconsin,” said Williams. 

Today’s White House event is from 9 a.m. to Noon.

YWCA Southeast Wisconsin

YWCA Southeast Wisconsin is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. For more than 125 years the YWCA SEW has championed many of the social movements important to the region including civil rights, affordable housing, fair healthcare access, racial justice and pay equity. Today, YWCA SEW serves 10,000 regional residents annually providing crucial community programs and collaborating frequently with sister organizations to build greater collective impact. Learn more at

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