Today, the Peter Barca for Congress campaign released its first ad of the 2024 cycle.
“Different Styles” highlights the contrast between Bryan Steil’s anti-abortion extremism and Peter Barca’s record of going to bat for Wisconsin families. While Steil attacks reproductive freedom and pushes to ban abortion nationwide, Peter will continue working across the aisle to defend rights and freedoms and support working families and law enforcement.
Watch “Different Styles” Here
The ad is part of a six figure buy on broadcast and digital platforms. It’s running in the Milwaukee media market.
Bryan Steil worked to overturn Roe v. Wade. Called it a great victory.
Bryan Steil’s “victory” banned abortion in Wisconsin, and his agenda would ban it nationwide,
With surveillance of pregnancies and restricting birth control and fertility treatments.
Peter Barca fights to protect our freedoms, not tear them away.
He backs Wisconsin’s law enforcement, firefighters, and unions.
And Peter does what’s right no matter what party it is.
I’m Peter Barca and I approve this message.