On Wednesday, dozens of HACM residents and Common Ground leaders are announcing a class-action lawsuit (attached) against the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) for “uninhabitable” living conditions. Working with Barton Cerjak S.C., College Court residents filed a complaint in Milwaukee County Circuit Court against HACM for persistent and rampant bedbugs, asking a court to declare that their rent is subject to the equitable remedy of abatement unless the condition is immediately remediated. This historic lawsuit represents a significant escalation in Common Ground’s campaign to reform HACM and marks the first time that Milwaukee public housing residents are suing HACM via class action.

In a records request served on HACM, Common Ground discovered that over the past 5 years more than 2,000 work orders were submitted by College Court tenants to address pervasive “pest control” issues.  Stacy Ream, one of five plaintiffs, explains: “I’ve been paying for a bed-bug infested unit that I haven’t been able to sleep in for nine months! I’ve had to stay at my mom’s despite paying rent reliably every month.”

The bugs affect residents physically and psychologically. “I found two dead bed bugs in my ear,” shares Carmella Holloway, another complainant. “Earlier this year, I went to the emergency room because I scratched bed bug bites, causing blood to drip down my arms and legs. I haven’t gotten a decent night’s sleep in months. I never have company over anymore. How is this okay? Most of us are senior citizens and people with disabilities. Yet we pay our rent. Don’t evict us, evict the bed bugs!”

In the complaint, tenants ask the court to declare that College Court’s bedbug infestation “materially affects the health or safety” of each tenant and “substantially affects the use and occupancy of the premises.” The tenants further ask the Court to order an abatement remedy pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 704.07(4) if the condition is not immediately rectified. 

“We have emailed Wilie Hines about this 5 times since March. He didn’t even respond to us…. No reply. No answer to our request to meet. Nothing. He’s hiding from us, and Mayor Johnson is protecting him,” says Holloway.  “He’s left us no choice but to sue,” concludes Ream. “See you in court, Willie.” 

“This is yet another systemic failure by Willie Hines, a failure that deeply hurts residents,” declares Will Davis, Pastor of Invisible Reality Ministries and member of Common Ground’s Strategy Team. “Nothing at HACM will improve until Hines and senior leadership are replaced. HACM’s biggest problem is incompetent management—not money or systems. Anyone protecting Hines is partly to blame for residents’ suffering.”

Background context:

  • HACM is the 2nd largest landlord in Milwaukee. It is a legally separate entity from the City.
  • CG went public with our Tenants United campaign in March 2023, with 1,007 people. Since, we have exposed major HACM failures regarding rent, maintenance, and security mismanagement. 
  • On August 1, 2024, approximately 200 HACM residents from all across Milwaukee signed a public letter criticizing Mayor Johnson for protecting Willie Hines, questioning whether he was protecting Hines until he could retire with a full pension.
  • The highest-ranking official for public housing at HUD nationally, Richard Monocchio, specifically visited College Court and Locust Court to investigate issues earlier this month. However, HUD announced no specific interventions.

Logistics: College Court front lawn, 3334 W Highland Blvd — street parking

Contact: Kevin Solomon, Common Ground Associate Organizer

727-667-6329 (cell)  𑇐  Kevin.Solomon@CommonGroundWI.org

Website: commongroundwi.org/tenantsunited

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