DSCC releases new digital video on Hovde: “California Jerk” 

Following Wisconsin’s Senate primary, today, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) released the following statement and digital video, “California Jerk,” on Eric Hovde. Last week the DSCC launched its first TV ad against Hovde, “OC.” 

From DSCC spokesman Tommy Garcia: “California Banker Eric Hovde is a rich jerk and a walking conflict of interest. He looks down on Wisconsinites, doesn’t understand Wisconsin’s values and he’d hurt Wisconsinites in the Senate. Hovde’s shown he’s arrogant, insulting and his agenda is to help himself and his rich friends at the expense of working Wisconsinites — and that’s why Wisconsin voters will reject him in November.”  


What to know about California Banker Eric Hovde: 

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