WASHINGTON  GIFFORDS Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence released the latest edition of its Annual Gun Law Scorecard, which grades and ranks each state on the strength of its gun laws. The comprehensive, 50-state analysis reflects that states with stronger gun laws have lower gun death rates and save more lives. This year, Wisconsin received a C. This news comes one day after a school shooting in Madison, Wisconsin. 

“Yesterday, the Madison community experienced something no one should ever have to go through: a mass shooting at a school. Our hearts are with the victims, their families, and survivors of this horrible tragedy. Too many communities across Wisconsin have experienced the devastating pain of gun violence, but elected leaders can take action to prevent future shootings. Strong gun laws have been proven to save lives. The Annual Gun Law Scorecard provides a road map for elected leaders, activists, and concerned Americans to fight for a future where gun violence is a rarity rather than an everyday occurrence,” said GIFFORDS Executive Director Emma Brown. “In states like Wisconsin, we’ve seen some important progress, but we also have critical, lifesaving reforms to pass, which is exactly what GIFFORDS intends to do.”