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Today, Wisconsin’s economy is thriving. More people are working than ever before and historic investments are transforming our communities, especially by supporting infrastructure projects that are preparing us for the future. But as we celebrate the progress we’ve made, we can’t lose sight of the fact that the working class hasn’t benefited as much from economic improvements as the ultra-wealthy and corporations. Next year, we have an opportunity to correct that imbalance, strengthen working families, and hold big corporations and the ultra-wealthy accountable by fighting for a fairer tax code.

At the end of 2025 many provisions of the 2017 Republican Tax Law are set to expire. This law was written primarily to benefit those at the top – the richest Americans and largest corporations. These historic tax breaks in the law have helped them avoid paying their fair share, leaving working families like yours and mine to shoulder the burden instead.

While Wisconsin families have continued to play by the rules and pay their fair share, big corporations haven’t. They’ve jacked up prices, increased executive compensation, and continued to rake in massive profits. With many of the 2017 law’s tax provisions set to expire, we have the opportunity to fix this imbalance and finally create a tax code that will help grow the middle class instead.

Creating this change won’t be easy. Republicans in Congress are already pushing to renew the current tax law – some have even proposed making the tax breaks for those at the top permanent. That could let the ultra-rich and big corporations keep skirting their responsibilities for decades to come, while leaving working people out in the cold and jeopardizing funding for programs like Social Security and Medicare that support so many of our neighbors across the state.

This is an opportunity to reimagine our tax code and create one that actually works for everyone. Whether it’s an expansion of the Child Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit, or other proposals, there are proven tools that can lift people out of poverty and support families. These have to be prioritized instead of rushing to give even more handouts to those at the top.

Building an economy that works for everyone also means cracking down on the corporate greed that has been enabled by decades of lopsided policies. We need to put an end to price gouging that’s robbing families of their hard-earned money at the grocery store, the pharmacy, and elsewhere.

We’ve come a long way, but there’s more work to do. I’m excited for the opportunity ahead and we’re ready to join this fight and demand better from our elected officials.

– Jesse Jacques is the Business Manager for IBEW Local 158 in Green Bay and has been a member of IBEW for 19 years.

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