The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (LPWI) is proud to endorse Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat for the offices of President and Vice President in the November election. Oliver and ter Maat are committed to defending the libertarian principles of freedom, liberty, and personal choice.

“Broadly speaking, liberty means the right and the ability to live your own life as you see fit, in peace. If you’re not harming someone with force, fraud, coercion, theft or violence, if you’re not doing any of those bad things, your life is your life. Your body is your body. Your business is your business, and your property is your property. It’s not mine, and it’s not the government’s.” – Chase Oliver to NPR, 6/21/24

The LPWI believes that your life belongs to you, not bureaucrats in Madison or Washington. We as a people will never live up to the foundations that the Founding Fathers laid for us if we do not return to their ideas of limited government, minimal taxation, and a free market system unburdened from stifling regulation and meddlesome mandates. Oliver and ter Maat support these ideals, and we support them.

For more on the Oliver/ter Maat campaign, please visit:

For more on the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin, please visit

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