The News: The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) has just issued a statement following the Supreme Court of Wisconsin denying a petition by a DNC staffer to remove Green Party Candidate Jill Stein from the ballot. WILL represented two Wisconsin voters in the case, a member of the Green Party and a libertarian. 

The Quotes: WILL President and General Counsel, Rick Esenberg, stated, “Granting this petition would have disenfranchised the votes of tens of thousands of Wisconsinites, and ultimately undermined ballot access by future third-party candidates. This ruling from the Court is a win for Wisconsin elections and the voters who place their faith and trust in the democratic process.” 

Additional Background: To go directly to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and seek far-reaching, antidemocratic relief was entirely inappropriate. Four years ago, the Wisconsin Elections Commission rejected the Green Party’s effort to get on the ballot. When the Green Party filed an original action in our state’s highest court just four years ago, the Court—by a 4-3 vote—rightly rejected it as untimely, saying it is too close to an election to do anything. 

About WILL: WILL is a respected and award-winning nationwide litigation firm in Wisconsin. We have argued and won multiple cases at the Wisconsin Supreme Court and beyond. We have also received national recognition for our work assessing the 2020 Presidential Election and our comprehensive report is often used to counter claims made about the election being “stolen.” 

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