Today, ahead of the Democratic National Convention, the Honorable Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten Buttigieg, campaigned with Senator Tammy Baldwin for Vice President Harris, Governor Walz, and Democrats up and down the ballot at a canvass launch in Madison. They spoke to a Democratic coordinated campaign office packed with more than 100 volunteers ready to knock doors for the entire ticket.

This canvass launch comes one day before the start of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and during a surge in energy on the ground in Wisconsin in recent weeks. Since Vice President Harris declared her candidacy on July 21, more than 6,000 new volunteers have signed up and more than 500,000 door knocks and phone calls have been made.

Tammy Baldwin, Pete Buttigieg, and Chasten Buttigieg launch a canvass in Madison.
“It just feels good to be gathered in a good cause like we are today…. It feels good to be reminded not just of what we are against but what we are for,” said the Hon. Buttigieg. “Friends, we’ve got about 80 days left, and we got to make the most of every single one of those days, but what I see around me right now gives me so much confidence and so much optimism for what’s ahead.”

Volunteers at the Democratic coordinated office in Madison.
“I don’t have to tell you twice… in places like Wisconsin, I know what it’s like to be knocking those doors and at those dining room tables,” said Chasten Buttigieg to a group of volunteers. “When you’re a little bit nervous to have those conversations about what we stand to gain and what we stand to lose, I got to tell you, as a dad, as a teacher, I’m so grateful that you’re out there.”

“You don’t have to be a lifelong Democrat to understand that if you care about law and order… maybe we should go ahead and vote for the prosecutor and not the felon,” said the Hon. Buttigieg. “You don’t have to be a lifelong Democrat to know that the only thing you ought to say to someone who spent 24 years in uniform is ‘thank you for your service.’ You don’t have to be a lifelong Democrat to be more interested in the leaders who are out there building bridges than the ones who are out there banning books. We have a chance to call people to join us, to invite people to be at our side as we participate in this incredible democracy.”
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