MADISON — State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly released the following statement today regarding recent policy decisions at the federal level that threaten the education of Wisconsin students.

“No child decides their own immigration status. All students, no matter their immigration status, have a right to receive a quality public education. Every child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive without fear or discrimination. When we open schools to immigration raids, that hurts the kids targeted, but it also hurts every other child who might be incorrectly targeted, who is traumatized by the raid, and who will lose valued friends and teachers.

“Federal policies that threaten civil rights and constitutional protections will have a far-reaching impact on our kids, teachers, and schools. These policies threaten the very core of our educational system and erode the values that define us as a nation.

“Hate and bullying have no home in our schools. Our future as a free society is dependent on every child, every family, and every educator being treated with dignity and respect and having the opportunity to succeed.”

An official photo of Dr. Underly is available on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s website. This statement is also available online on the DPI’s website.