Today, State Representative Scott Allen (R-Waukesha) released two bills that would address school safety concerns.
“Schools are soft targets for those looking to do harm,” stated Rep. Allen. “These bills will give school boards more options to better protect their students.”
With State Senator Cory Tomczyk (R-Mosinee), he released LRB-1351, a proposed bill that would allow each school board to voluntarily choose to create their own concealed carry policy for school staff to protect their students.
This bill came about at the request of the 2023 Germantown School Board who wrote that “the ‘gun free school zone’ signs do nothing but notify a criminal that there will be few, if any, people in the building that can defend themselves.”
The bill avoids a state-wide solution, and instead gives each school board the ability to make a choice that is currently prohibited by state law.
With State Senator Jesses James (R-Thorp) and Assembly Representative Joy Goeben (R-Hobart), he released LRB-0301, a bill that would create a one-time school safety grant program of $30 million.
The bill mirrors a successful school safety grant program from 2017 that received an excellent review from the Legislative Audit Bureau. It helped many schools improve the safety of their buildings and provide security training to school personnel.
The grant would be open to all public, private, and tribal schools in Wisconsin, with priority given to those who did not receive a grant from the 2017 law.
“It is always a good time to better secure the safety of Wisconsin students,” said Rep Allen. “They are our future, and we have a responsibility to protect them.”