MADISON, Wis – Tonight Governor Evers delivered his 2025 State of the State address before legislators in which he highlighted successes from his time as Governor and outlined his policy priorities for the next year to address the urgent needs of Wisconsinites. Representative Bare (D-Verona) released the following statement:
“I applaud Governor Evers for putting the needs of everyday Wisconsinites first and providing his vision for how we move our state forward.
“I’m eager to work with the Governor and my colleagues to lower costs by expanding access to healthcare, bring down the costs of childcare and housing, fully restore reproductive freedom, and increase investments in our communities and public schools. We are elected to seek progress on our challenges, and too many of our neighbors are struggling to make ends meet right now to let progress be slow.
“As the Governor said ‘If everyone here is more intent on doing more for others than themselves, more focused on what we can accomplish together than what they can gain on their own, and committed to doing what is right rather than what is best for their personal politics, we will get a lot done for the people we are here to serve.’”