MADISON – Today, Representative Karen Hurd (R-Withee) joined with her Assembly Republican colleagues to approve Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 2 which would take our state’s popular voter ID law and enshrine it in the state constitution.

“It is critical for the integrity of our elections that only eligible voters are able to cast a ballot,” said Rep. Hurd. “Voter ID is a common sense law that helps ensure that those who vote in our elections are eligible to do so.”

A recent Marquette University Law School Poll found that 74% of registered voters support requiring a photo ID to vote. Since Wisconsin’s voter ID was implemented in 2016, voter participation has increased.

“Like many of my constituents, I support our state’s voter ID law,” said Rep. Hurd. “I believe the people of Wisconsin should be given the opportunity to enshrine this popular law in our state constitution.”

Any amendment to the state constitution must be approved by two consecutive legislatures and then ratified by the people in a referendum. SJR 2 is the second consideration of this constitutional amendment. With approval by the State Assembly this amendment will go before the voters for final approval in an April 2025 referendum.