Contact: Rep. Andrew Hysell
(608) 740-2827

MADISON- Today, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers signed Executive Order #254, creating the Wisconsin Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) by Executive Order.   

Governor Evers will be allocating $10 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for the creation of the office and to administer grants aimed at investing in programs and communities to prevent violence throughout the state.

             Following the announcement, Rep. Hysell released the following statement: 

“I support Governor Tony Evers’ leadership to prevent gun violence in our communities. The new Wisconsin Office of Violence Prevention will improve safety and help Wisconsin residents feel secure in their communities. Our constituents want their leaders to take action now.

“I therefore thank Governor Evers for not waiting for Republicans in the legislature to act on an issue they have historically ignored. I’m proud to join my fellow Legislative Democrats in supporting this community investment, and will do my part in ensuring that this new office has the resources to carry out its important work.

“It’s our job as legislators to take action to make Wisconsin a safer place for everyone.”