MADISON- Today, at the Capitol, Governor Evers addressed a combined session of the legislature to give his annual State of the State address. The address acknowledged both successes of his administration, and their goals for the upcoming year.

Rep. Hysell (D- Sun Prairie) released the following statement regarding the address:

“Governor Evers has undoubtedly faced his fair share of challenges over his time as Governor, but that hasn’t stopped him from doing right by the people of Wisconsin. During this evening’s State of the State address, I was happy to hear all of the progress that’s been made, and motivated by the work left to do.

“Governor Evers is showing real leadership with his plan to prioritize Wisconsin children and families in 2025. One of these priorities is child care. In his speech tonight, he noted that child care for two costs more than many people’s mortgage payments. His commitment to supporting quality, affordable child care is a pro-family, pro-work initiative.

“All residents deserve to feed their families and afford healthcare without worrying about undue financial burden. Seniors deserve to afford life-saving prescription medication. Parents should be able to send their children to school for eight hours a day knowing they’ll have mental health support and be safe from gun violence. We all deserve the chance to prosper- right here at home.

“Governor Evers has a bright vision for the future, including lowering the cost of living, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, and protecting our children. I thank him for the actions he has already taken. I am optimistic that this session, we will be able to pass commonsense legislation that addresses these challenges and do right by our constituents.”