MADISON…Today, the State Assembly approved a constitutional amendment that
would ensure photo ID would be required in Wisconsin elections. State
Representative Dan Knodl (R-Germantown) voted in favor of the resolution, which
passed 54-45. “Passing this resolution will ensure our elections remain secure,” said
Knodl. “Requiring photo ID at the polls increases public confidence in election

A popular concept, recent polls have shown over 80% approval for election laws that
require identification. In Wisconsin, Voter ID has been in place for nearly a decade.
However, with the rise of activist judges, the law could be in danger if not protected
by the Constitution.

“I was here [in the Legislature] when the original voter ID law [2011 Wisconsin Act
23] was passed,” explained Knodl. “To protect this common-sense requirement from
frivolous lawsuits, we must enshrine it in the state constitution.”
The resolution has now been approved by both the Assembly and Senate. This is
the second consecutive legislative session that the constitutional amendment has
passed. The measure does not have to be approved by Governor Evers and instead
goes directly to the voters for their approval on a statewide ballot in April 2025.