(Madison) – After listening to Governor Evers’ State of the State Address on Wednesday evening, Rep. Krug issued the following statement:

“Unfortunately, we heard more of the same from Governor Evers during his State of the State. He proposed more unsustainable spending, more growth in government, and tried taking credit for tax cuts he opposed and vetoed. The tax burden on Wisconsinites is the lowest it’s been in half a century thanks to more than a decade of hard work, prudent budgeting, and tax cuts passed by Republicans in the Legislature.

“At nearly every opportunity, Governor Evers has stood in the way of providing more financial relief for our state. Last session, we passed the largest tax cut in state history and sent it to Governor Evers only to see it vetoed. We sent him additional middle class tax cut packages, including targeted tax relief for seniors and retirees. Governor Evers vetoed them all.

“The people of Wisconsin want solutions and accountability, not more unchecked and unsustainable growth in government. We will continue working in the Legislature to address important issues like rising costs, mental health, childcare, and cracking down on illegal immigration.”