Madison, WI— Governor Tony Evers delivered his State of the State Address on Wednesday, January 22. Representative Dave Maxey (R-New Berlin) issued the following response:

“Governor Evers loves to take credit for things he didn’t lift a finger to make happen. The only reason Wisconsinites saw any tax relief was because of the fiscal discipline and hard work of Legislative Republicans. Meanwhile, the governor fought tooth and nail to keep the state’s record surplus in Madison, hoping to use it as a slush fund for his liberal agenda, rather than returning it to the people who earned it. The fact he takes credit for Republican policies is like me taking credit for my wife raising great kids. While I was there, she did the hard work.”

“Democrats seem to forget the damage they caused to mental health when they shut down our schools for nearly two years. Give me a break—the ‘year of the kid’ should have been long before now.”

“It’s unfortunate the governor is resisting President Trump’s agenda, especially given that Americans made their voices loud and clear in this past November’s election. I’m hopeful the governor is open to coming to the table and working together to find common-sense solutions that Wisconsinites can support.”