MADISON, WI – State Representative Dave Murphy (R-Greenville) issued the following statement on Governor Evers’ State of the State Address.
“Since Governor Evers has been in office, it’s been the Legislature that has been protecting your finances. The Governor runs the State’s agencies and hasn’t run them well.”
“First it was DWD’s utter failure to get unemployment checks to people during the pandemic. Then DSPS couldn’t get professional licenses out to people in a timely manner. Now the League of Women Voters is saying Evers’ Department of Transportation is bad at providing people with State IDs.”
“State government needs to serve the people of Wisconsin more effectively. The kind of bad service Tony Evers has overseen is simply unacceptable. Inflation strapped citizens need a tax break, and they need better services for the taxes they do pay.”
“Finally, Governor Evers needs to quit being an obstacle in the battle to secure our southern border. These days every state has become a border state. Evers needs to get his priorities straight and protect Wisconsin citizens.”