MADISON, WI – State Representative Dave Murphy (R-Greenville) issued the following
statement on passage of the constitutional amendment on Voter ID.
“Voter ID has served our State well. A recent Pew Research Center Poll shows 81% of
Americans favor voter ID. That is no longer a subjective sentiment, that is objective proof that
the vast majority of people favor voter ID. We’ve have it for more than 10 years and it works
“My Democrat colleagues,” Murphy continued, “have argued that requiring voter ID
disenfranchises the poor and minorities. That’s not true. A 2024 Gallop Poll found that 80% of
people of color support ‘requiring all voters to provide photo identification at their voting place
in order to vote.’ No one can dispute that having an ID in our society is a benefit, and because of
our voter ID law state IDs are now free, which they were not before.”
“Democrats,” Murphy concluded, “will say this constitutional amendment is not necessary
because the requirement is already in our statutes, but as we’ve seen over the last couple years
our activist Supreme Court can find very creative ways to overturn duly enacted laws. Putting
Voter ID in our constitution will permanently protect election integrity in Wisconsin.”