MADISON – Representative Jerry L. O’Connor (R-Fond du Lac) issued the following statement in response to Governor Evers’s State of the State address:

“I once again express my disappointment in the Governor’s State of the State message last night and his huge spending proposals to return Wisconsin to budget deficits.

Assembly Republicans have worked tirelessly to lower the tax burden, approving the largest tax cut in state history of over $4.4 billion. Republicans have remained committed to reducing the tax burden on Wisconsin families. Despite Democrats’ best efforts to keep your taxes high, Republicans have cut taxes by $31 billion since 2011, resulting in the lowest tax burden in 50 years. Meanwhile, last session, Gov. Evers vetoed every single attempt to cut middle-class and senior taxes.

I agree with my colleagues who say that Evers’ efforts to hide his true record on taxes are an insult to the hardworking taxpayers of Wisconsin.  Assembly Republicans will continue to work to return the surplus to its rightful owners: you. 

Furthermore, unsurprisingly for the leader of the “Defund the Police” Party of Wisconsin, Evers once again doubles down on his failed far-left soft-on-crime policies and prioritizes illegal immigrants and other lawbreakers rather than supporting law enforcement to keep our communities safe. Crime is rising, and there are fewer officers on the streets. Car-jackings in Milwaukee increased by 31% in 2024, reckless driving is a growing concern, and Wisconsinites feel less safe in their homes or walking the streets at night. Legislative Republicans will continue to support public safety by fully funding law enforcement. We will also work with President Trump to fix the broken immigration system, created by Biden’s immigration invasion policies, by requiring all law enforcement in Wisconsin to cooperate with ICE to deport those who commit serious crimes.

After seven years of failure, much like his work-from-home administration, Evers is just not working.

I remain dedicated to addressing the critical issues facing our families to keep Wisconsin moving forward.”