MADISON, Wis. — Rep. Sequanna Taylor (D-Milwaukee) was sworn in today at the State
Capitol as the State Representative for the 11th Assembly District. Rep. Sequanna Taylor will
serve on the following committees during the 2025-2026 legislative session: Assembly
Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety and Joint Legislative Audit Committee.
Following the ceremony, Rep. Taylor released the following statement:
“I am incredibly honored to be sworn in as the next state representative for the 11th Assembly
District. I am grateful for the trust our communities have placed in me to serve them faithfully.
“For the past two decades, I have been honored to serve our community and fight for the issues
that matter most. As your State Assemblywoman, I will bring that same passion and tireless
commitment to addressing the needs of our district and creating a brighter future for all. I am
excited to bring my professional experience and my experience in local government to the
Capitol to advocate for my constituents.
“I am excited to work with my Democratic colleagues to promote a visionary, inclusive policy
agenda, continue to work alongside our neighbors who have too often been ignored, and do
everything we can to advance policy that allows people across our state to thrive.
“I am honored to be here to be a voice for my community.”