Madison – Rep. Rob Summerfield (R-Bloomer) issued the following statement after Governor Evers’ State of the State Address given to the joint session of the Wisconsin State Legislature Wednesday night:

“After hearing the Governor’s liberal wish list tonight, it has become clear that his solution to every problem facing our state carries a dollar sign in front of it. If Governor Evers truly wants to avoid Wisconsin regaining its status as one of the highest-taxed states in the nation, he would do well to work with the legislature on actual reforms that will deliver results for Wisconsinites.

“The Governor has once again taken credit for Wisconsin’s low tax burden. This great feat is because of the Legislative Republicans introducing wise and prudent tax cut plans to help the state of Wisconsin. The Governor conveniently left out that taxes would be even lower had he not vetoed our tax cuts on retirement and middle-class income last year.

“With the legislative session ahead of us, I hope that Governor Evers is willing to work with the Legislature on important issues such as further lowering the tax burden, ensuring our education standards aren’t watered down, and cleaning up the mess that the Biden administration’s immigration policies have left. There is a lot of work to be done, and I know the people of the 68th Assembly District and this state are counting on us.”