Washington, D.C.  The RSLC’s Judicial Fairness Initiative (JFI) yesterday, released a new video highlighting the stakes of state supreme court races in 2025 and beyond. The video comes on the heels of a memo the committee sent to donors recently stressing the significance of the upcoming judicial races in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin this year, and the fight back against Democrats and their push to infiltrate state supreme courts nationwide to influence the redistricting process at the state and federal levels. 

“While conservative judges were able to capitalize on historic enthusiasm in 2024, the fight against the radical left’s push to take control of state supreme court seats nationwide to influence the redistricting process at the state and federal levels is about to get a whole lot tougher,” said RSLC-JFI President Jorge-Tuñón. “National liberal groups are expected to invest heavily in these races, but the Judicial Fairness Initiative stands ready to fight back by enhancing our efforts to elect conservative justices who uphold the rule of law. The stakes couldn’t be any higher in 2025, and we will invest significant resources to ensure we win these races that will have consequences for redistricting into the next decade.”

Watch “Redraw and Erase” HERE.


Narrator: On November 5TH, the American people sent a message to Washington. Just weeks after this historic election, the left has already working to undermine it, Obama operatives have flooded judicial elections with millions of dollars, to stack the courts with soft-on-crime judges who would redraw and erase Republican districts making it easier for Democrats to sue until America is blue and its already working. In Pennsylvania, our legislative majority was erased by activist judges and in battleground Wisconsin, liberal courts overturned fair redistricting maps that are chipping away at conservative districts. That’s why the RSLC’s Judicial Fairness Initiative is fighting back with supporting conservative judges who stand up to the rule of law and respect the American people. The courts are our last line of defense and the majorities we won in November must be defended. You deserve a justice system that respects your voice not one that ignores it. Learn more at RSLC.gop/JFI.