WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and 5 of his Senate colleagues reintroduced the Codifying Useful Regulatory Definitions (CURD) Act. The CURD Act establishes a statutory definition of “natural cheese” and deems a food to be misbranded and prohibited from sale if it does not meet this definition and its label uses the term “natural cheese” as a factual description of a category of cheese.

“Wisconsin is known for cheese, in all its forms and varieties,” Sen. Johnson said. “Codifying the definition of ‘natural cheese’ will provide American consumers with the necessary information and clarity to make informed decisions on whether they are purchasing natural or processed foods.”

“Oregonians take pride in our state’s great variety of world-renowned cheese,” Sen. Wyden said. “The CURD Act will ensure consumers nationwide have the information needed to make decisions on the cheese products they are buying at their local supermarket.”

Sen. Johnson was joined by Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), James Risch (R-Idaho), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), and Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.).

The full text of the legislation can be found here.