MADISON, Wis –  In response to Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu’s comments on WISN’s UPFRONT where he speculated that the legislature may enact a new abortion ban, newly elected Senators Jodi Habush Sinykin, Sarah Keyeski, and Jamie Wall issued the following statement:  

“Last November, Wisconsinites across our districts delivered a resounding message that the government should have no place in dictating a woman’s most personal healthcare decisions,” said Senators Habush Sinykin, Keyeski, and Wall. “The insinuation that the legislature should take up a new abortion ban should the 1849 law be struck down is remarkably out of touch with the priorities and needs of the people and families across our state. Wisconsinites are expecting us to deliver results – to keep our communities safe, to address the cost of childcare, healthcare, and housing, and to invest in our state’s progress – and have made it clear that we should stay out of the business of telling women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. As Senators, that remains our priority and promise to the people of our districts and of Wisconsin.”