Contact:  Karen Hickey, 414-573-7579

With union roots, Barnes best understands issues facing working Wisconsinites

“Mandela Barnes grew up in a proud union family and understands the importance of having strong unions in order to sustain and grow Wisconsin’s middle class,” said Phil Neuenfeldt, President of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO.  “In the Assembly, Barnes prioritized working class issues like creating family-sustaining jobs, investing in our neighborhood public schools and ensuring Wisconsin families could have affordable health care. The Wisconsin State AFL-CIO is proud to support Mandela Barnes for Lieutenant Governor.”

“When Mandela Barnes saw budget cuts to our public schools and predatory lending practices hurting our communities, he stood up and ran for office in order to make a difference,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, Secretary-Treasurer of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. “Mandela Barnes has a clear vision to help the people of Wisconsin. As Lieutenant Governor, he will work to ensure our economy is one where all people can get ahead and have equal access to economic opportunity.”