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Evers campaign: With Trump in Wisconsin today, Evers campaign launches new video “Own Words”
“Wisconsin Has Tremendous Problems…The Roads Are A Disaster” – President Trump

With President Trump in Wisconsin campaigning with Scott Walker today, the Evers campaign released a new web video “Own Words.” The video highlights some of President Trump’s sharpest insults lobbed at Scott Walker for his mismanagement of Wisconsin.

Back when they were primary opponents in the Fall of 2015, Trump slammed Walker for letting the state’s roads fall into disrepair, calling them “a disaster.”

Trump is just one of several prominent Republicans to call out Walker for neglecting the state’s infrastructure. Most notably, Walker’s former DOT Secretary Mark Gottlieb spoke out saying that Walker wasn’t being honest about the dire state of Wisconsin’s roadways. Wisconsin now ranks 44th nationally in road quality.

Watch the video here

“After eight years of Scott Walker putting the special interests first, Wisconsin’s roads have become some of the worst in the nation,” said campaign manager Maggie Gau. “Even Republicans like President Trump and former Walker DOT Secretary Mark Gottlieb have spoken out about Walker’s mismanagement of the state’s infrastructure. Trump’s comments are a perfect reminder that we need a leader like Tony Evers who can bring Democrats and Republicans together to find a sustainable, long-term solution to fix our roads.”

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