Dem Cathy Myers says she’s running for the 1st CD to “stand up to Donald Trump” in a new TV ad.

The 30-second ad opens with the longtime high school teacher and single mother of two working with students in a classroom.

“Teaching during the week and working a second job to get by wasn’t easy, but it helped me raise two kids on my own,” she says.

Myers then highlights the issues of health care and school safety, before saying she’s vying for office “to stand up to Donald Trump and fight for quality health care for all, schools without dangerous guns and good-paying jobs.”

“I approve this message because it was funded by working people, not special interests,” she says to end the ad.

The spot is running on cable TV throughout the 1st CD. The campaign is spending $25,000 on the buy, which also includes a digital component. Both parts are running through Wednesday.