KENOSHA, Wis.— Last night, on the heels of President Trump officially requesting a partial recount in Dane and Milwaukee Counties, Opportunity Wisconsin, SEIU Healthcare Wisconsin, Progress North, BLOC, and A Better Wisconsin Together were joined by U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes, and Wisconsinites across the state for a virtual town hall to discuss what’s at stake right now during the pandemic and call on lawmakers to focus on COVID relief and moving forward together, not partisan sparring.


“Voters have decided, regardless of party, that it’s time for us to come together and tackle some of the very real issues facing our state and facing our country,” said Senator Baldwin. [WATCH]


Lieutenant Governor Barnes spoke directly to the COVID crisis that is devastating communities across the Badger State, “It is the responsibility of government to step in during situations like this, during times like these. If there is ever a need for government, it’s now. And the people of the state of Wisconsin are not getting good government by way of the state legislature, and [Republican legislators] should be ashamed of themselves…There are way too many lives at risk, and too many lives are at stake right now for them to continue to play these games.” [WATCH]


This election season, despite the pandemic, an economic crisis, and deliberate barriers to silence the voices of marginalized communities, voters did their job and turned out in record numbers. Non-partisan election officials and community members did their jobs too by ensuring every step of the election process was transparent and secure.


Tara Johnson, a La Crosse area poll worker, pleaded with elected officials who seek to sow misinformation, “To every elected official: stop disrespecting the voters. Stop disrespecting poll workers who put their lives on the line to ensure a free and fair election in this state and accept those results and do your job. You work for us, and you have been honored with the opportunity to serve in whatever elected office you hold. Get to work to take care of Wisconsin.” [WATCH]


Badger State residents are pushing to ensure that their newly elected leaders care and govern for all Wisconsinites, and that starts by putting politics and the campaign behind us. Wisconsin faces its biggest coronavirus surge yet and we need our state and federal lawmakers to put the health and wellbeing of their constituents first. The voters decided and we need economic relief now.


“As healthcare workers, we showed up every day. In this pandemic, we showed up, it was dangerous, it was stressful. It was a stressful job because we know our patients and the public are counting on us,” said Fayomi Agbongbon, a frontline healthcare worker from Milwaukee. “We need elected leaders to show up and do their job and to get control of this pandemic to protect frontline essential workers. No more playing politics or wasting time as we face the worst crisis of our lives. We need to face this. We need to aggressively attack this pandemic and do the right thing. This is not a partisan issue. It’s about protecting health and safety, economic well-being of all of our essential workers and our community” [WATCH]


“As an educator, I feel that we can’t stop not talking to our elected officials, and just keep emailing, keep talking, make them know that our children are worth everything and that we are their voice right now and every child deserves quality. Every child deserves to be educated regardless of poverty level, race, color, whatever, they deserve that, and I think we are the ones who need to voice that opinion. We all need to stick together because more voices together are better than one,” said Tricia Peterson, a Juneau small business owner and educator. [WATCH]


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About Opportunity Wisconsin

Opportunity Wisconsin is a coalition of Wisconsin residents fighting for an economy that works for working people. Through our stories, we’re elevating the real consequences of the destructive economic policies that put the wealthy few first and leave the rest of us behind. Together, we’re demanding our elected officials focus more on growing the economy for middle class folks and expanding opportunity for all Wisconsinites. To learn more about Opportunity Wisconsin, visit or stay connected on Twitter at @OpportunityWI and on Facebook at


SEIU Healthcare Wisconsin
The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Wisconsin State Council coordinates the legislative and political agenda for Wisconsin’s eight SEIU locals. SEIU is the nation’s largest and fastest growing union with 2.1 million members nationwide and over 10,000 members in Wisconsin. SEIU’s membership is among the most diverse in the labor movement and includes public sector, building services and health care employees. The State Council is responsible for developing and implementing, in coordination with the international and state locals, a statewide electoral, lobbying, and communications program for SEIU. To learn more about SEIU Wisconsin, visit or stay connected on Twitter at @SEIUwi and on Facebook at


About Progress North

Progress North is a relatively new organization in the Northwoods, the primary focus of which is connecting the people of northern Wisconsin to each other – and others across the state – across the deep divisions of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and generation. We center all of our work around the values of equity, people centered democracy, and the common good. We have a clear vision for a better future: by coming together to rewrite the rules and making the wealthiest few pay their fair share, we can ensure that everyone can earn a good living and have a good life; we can resource our schools so that every child can pursue their dreams; and we can provide families with the care we all need to get and stay well. To learn more about Progress North, visit, or stay connected on Twitter at @ProgressNorthWI and on Facebook at


About BLOC

BLOC works to invest in our community and engage citizens to build long-term political power, ensure a high quality of life and access to economic opportunity for members of the Black community in Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin through coordinated political action and empowers Black leaders with the tools, training, and resources needed to organize and guarantee that their issues, concerns, and values are represented at all levels of government. To learn more about BLOC, visit or stay connected on Twitter at @BlocbyblocMKE and on Facebook at


About A Better Wisconsin Together

A Better Wisconsin Together is a state based communications and research hub for progressives. Working with partner organizations, ABWT holds elected officials and institutions accountable and promotes progressive ideas and values. Our messages are research driven using cutting edge digital earned, paid, digital and social media strategies. Stay connected with A Better Wisconsin Together on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.