Exclusively for WisPolitics Subscribers Advertisement Association of Wisconsin Lobbyists From WisPolitics.com … — Gov. Tony Evers today announced his budget will include $43 million to help Wisconsin’s ag industry with almost half of that going to help connect food banks
Gov. Tony Evers today announced his budget will include $43 million to help Wisconsin’s ag industry with almost half of that going to help connect food banks and pantries with state producers. Evers said the $20 million effort impacting food
Declaring he is putting the public before politics, Gov. Tony Evers on Thursday issued a new public health declaration and mask mandate before Republicans had taken the final step to overturn the one he issued last month. In a video
Contact: GovPress@wisconsin.gov Governor’s 2021-23 biennial budget to include more than $43 million investment in agricultural industry MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced his 2021-23 biennial budget proposal will include a more than $43 million investment in Wisconsin’s agriculture economy and farm families
Contact: GovPress@wisconsin.gov Audio file of radio address. MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address outlining his bold, comprehensive plan to tackle prescription drug prices in his 2021-23 biennial budget. Hi everyone. Governor Tony Evers here. This week I announced that my budget
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Tiffany (WI-07) delivered the following floor remarks during the Special Order on President Biden’s recent changes to energy policy. “Mr. Speaker, the first steps taken by the Biden administration have undermined national security, economic security,
(Madison) – As Senate Republicans like Ron Johnson delay the budget resolution and COVID-19 relief with procedural tactics, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement: “The nearly 6,000 Wisconsinites who have died from COVID-19, nearly 600,000 Wisconsinites who
Exclusively for WisPolitics Subscribers Advertisement Association of Wisconsin Lobbyists From WisPolitics.com … — Gov. Tony Evers today announced his budget will include $43 million to help Wisconsin’s ag industry with almost half of that going to help connect food banks and pantries with state producers. Evers said the $20 million
Gov. Tony Evers today announced his budget will include $43 million to help Wisconsin’s ag industry with almost half of that going to help connect food banks and pantries with state producers. Evers said the $20 million effort impacting food banks and pantries would help families fight hunger. Evers introduces
Declaring he is putting the public before politics, Gov. Tony Evers on Thursday issued a new public health declaration and mask mandate before Republicans had taken the final step to overturn the one he issued last month. In a video message accompanying his action, Evers said the “fight against this
Contact: GovPress@wisconsin.gov Governor’s 2021-23 biennial budget to include more than $43 million investment in agricultural industry MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced his 2021-23 biennial budget proposal will include a more than $43 million investment in Wisconsin’s agriculture economy and farm families aimed at expanding market opportunities, supporting new and innovative farming
Contact: GovPress@wisconsin.gov Audio file of radio address. MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address outlining his bold, comprehensive plan to tackle prescription drug prices in his 2021-23 biennial budget. Hi everyone. Governor Tony Evers here. This week I announced that my budget will include a bold, comprehensive plan to reduce prescription drug
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Tiffany (WI-07) delivered the following floor remarks during the Special Order on President Biden’s recent changes to energy policy. “Mr. Speaker, the first steps taken by the Biden administration have undermined national security, economic security, and job security for millions of Americans. First came the
(Madison) – As Senate Republicans like Ron Johnson delay the budget resolution and COVID-19 relief with procedural tactics, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement: “The nearly 6,000 Wisconsinites who have died from COVID-19, nearly 600,000 Wisconsinites who have tested positive for the virus, and thousands more struggling