WisDems: Issue statement on republican “vote-a-rama”

(Madison) – As Senate Republicans like Ron Johnson delay the budget resolution and COVID-19 relief with procedural tactics, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement: “The nearly 6,000 Wisconsinites who have died from COVID-19, nearly 600,000 Wisconsinites who

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Evers announces budget will include $43 million to help ag industry

Gov. Tony Evers today announced his budget will include $43 million to help Wisconsin’s ag industry with almost half of that going to help connect food banks and pantries with state producers. Evers said the $20 million effort impacting food banks and pantries would help families fight hunger. Evers introduces

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Gov. Evers: Unveils historic investment proposal for Wisconsin’s agriculture economy and farm families

Contact: GovPress@wisconsin.gov  Governor’s 2021-23 biennial budget to include more than $43 million investment in agricultural industry MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced his 2021-23 biennial budget proposal will include a more than $43 million investment in Wisconsin’s agriculture economy and farm families aimed at expanding market opportunities, supporting new and innovative farming

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Gov. Evers: Delivers Radio Address on his Plan to Reduce Prescription Drug Costs for Wisconsinites

Contact: GovPress@wisconsin.gov Audio file of radio address. MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address outlining his bold, comprehensive plan to tackle prescription drug prices in his 2021-23 biennial budget. Hi everyone. Governor Tony Evers here.  This week I announced that my budget will include a bold, comprehensive plan to reduce prescription drug

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WisDems: Issue statement on republican “vote-a-rama”

(Madison) – As Senate Republicans like Ron Johnson delay the budget resolution and COVID-19 relief with procedural tactics, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler released the following statement: “The nearly 6,000 Wisconsinites who have died from COVID-19, nearly 600,000 Wisconsinites who have tested positive for the virus, and thousands more struggling

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