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While acrimony defines festering Wisconsin politics today, the 2022 US Senate election opens the possibility of restoring truth-telling at that high level, respect for our democratic institutions, and a vision for governance that engages us all in forging a productive civic life.

One candidate puts himself forward not as the anti-Ron Johnson, but as a determined and seasoned leader who understands how public policy shapes our lives, and in fact has convened citizens across the state to learn how to navigate differences to get something done. To address the role of politics in preserving the dignity of daily life for everyone.

Impatience with intractable gridlock drove Steven Olikara to found the Millennial Action Project, and position a new generation of leaders at the fore to challenge the culture in Congress and state legislatures. Leaders working to better serve the needs of their constituents and make smart use of our hard-earned tax dollars. Those Future Caucuses have forged a process and solutions to some of our thorniest problems.

As storms intensify and this pandemic rises anew, Olikara insists that “sustainability” begins with democracy, and a viable future depends on discovering a better politics in us.
Trust him to lead us there.

– Lawton served as Wisconsin’s lieutenant governor from 2003 to 2011.

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