WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) held a panel discussion with doctors and medical researchers who have treated COVID-19 vaccine injuries and are researching the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, patients who have experienced adverse events due to the COVID-19 vaccine, and vaccine mandates. The senator spoke to his advocacy for early treatment, the importance of American’s health care freedom and recognizing natural immunity, the impacts of mandates, and the lack of transparency from federal health agencies in response to his COVID-19 oversight requests.
Sen. Ron Johnson said: “Telling the truth in today’s cancel culture is not necessarily easy. You can pay a pretty heavy price, I really appreciate everybody participating in this, either personally or via video. Their willingness to tell the truth, it is a real shame that we are having to hold this round table. Had government officials, the heads of our health care agencies, had they been doing their job. Had they been honest and transparent with the American public, we wouldn’t be here today. The very sad fact of the matter is they haven’t. We are billing this as a discussion about the vaccine mandates, which is the current policy response to COVID that will rob us of freedom and take an enormous toll on human beings and on our economy. I think every American really needs to ask themselves a question. Since the beginning of this pandemic, have the polices followed by the U.S government, and you can ask this to governments of the world but we are going to focus on the U.S, have they worked? Have the shutdowns worked? Have the mask mandates worked? Have the vaccines and are the vaccine mandates going to work? I am sure we have all hoped and prayed they would have. But the fact is, we have close to seven hundred and fifty thousand Americans who have now reported that died with or from COVID. Seven hundred and fifty thousand. In the U.S we rank, 23rd out of more than two hundred nations.”
“Now our government officials, talk about them not being particularly honest, not being particularly transparent. We even invited them all here, representatives and the heads of the CDC, Secretary of Defense Austin, Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg, FDA acting commissioner Woodcock, and HHS Secretary Becerra, NIAID Director Fauci, NIH Director Collins, together with the CEOs of Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech. None of them showed up. None of them showed up. President Biden for his part in terms of honestly, July 21th just a couple months ago, said, if you are vaccinated, you are not going to be hospitalized, you are not going to be in an ICU unit, you are not going to die. You are not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations. He said, this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. How I wish, he was right when he said these vaccines are going to be that effective.”
“There are three realities that our federal health agencies, President Biden, and his administration are ignoring when it comes to the mandates and again you have to understand the destructiveness of these mandates on our healthcare system. I have been talking to the doctors and nurses, they are the heroes of COVID, the people that had the courage and compassion to treat COVID, and so many of them caught COVID, some of them died, and most survived. Now they are treating the vaccine injured. They will not get vaccinated. We will lose decades of experience in our healthcare system that is already experiencing a healthcare worker shortage. What are we doing? How insane is this? But, one of the things our policy makers are ignoring is natural immunity. Why would we force a vaccine that is not as effective that we all hoped? Why would we force that on people with natural immunity? Where the science tells us those with natural immunity probably have better immunity than those full vaccinated. Another reality that our policy makers are denying is that the vaccine prevents transmission, presents infection. They are not, it is obvious they are not. So again, if you are vaccinated, you can still transmit. What is the rational for the mandates? There is no rational.”
“The injuries don’t necessarily have to be visible to be real, to be severe, to be life-altering. It is, again, unfortunate, way more than unfortunate, it’s actually outrageous that our healthcare agencies, the President of the United States, members of his administration are completely ignoring these people and their plight. The courage it takes to come forward, you know I can testify too. The repercussions are quite grave. The vilification, the suppression of what you’re trying to say, the censorship. People who have been on this journey with me have been fired from their institutions. They’ve been sued. Their careers and their lives as they’ve known it have been ended. That’s why you have so very few people that are willing to come forward. Their medical licenses are threatened. The profession that they trained for decades to get good at could be taken away from them. So you understand why they are remaining silent.”
“I’m begging anybody watching this today or via video, first of all, share the video. Share with every contact you have. Let these stories be seen, let these stories be heard, let them be believed so that as a society, we can do the right thing. We can acknowledge it, we can put even just a fraction of the time, or effort, or resources as we’ve put into the shutdowns and the mask mandates and the vaccine mandates and the vaccine development and the administration of it. If we just take a fraction of that and apply it to research and treatment, and by the way, a vaccine injury fund that actually compensates those who did what everybody asked them to do for themselves, for good of their neighbors, for the good of society.”
Sen. Johnson also extended an invitation to the following agencies and drug companies to hear firsthand from the vaccine injured and medical professionals. All declined to participate.
· CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky
· Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
· Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh
· Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg
· FDA Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock
· HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra
· NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci,
· NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins
· Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky
· Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel
· Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
· BioNTech CEO Uğur Şahin