(MADISON,WI) – Rape Crisis Center stands in solidarity with survivors. Survivors who deserve to make  choices about their health care. Survivors who know that reproductive care is crucial health care.  Survivors who know that the ruling from the Supreme Court does not only affect them but all persons  with uteruses. 

This ruling does not end abortion; it ends safe access to reproductive care. This ruling disproportionately  impacts Black and Brown folx. This ruling upholds continued institutional and structural racism  embedded in our systems. This ruling changes the lives of millions of persons with uteruses. 

Our helpline is available to survivors and loved ones who are affected by this decision. Our advocates will  be available to offer resources. Our advocates can listen, support, and help you navigate through this  time.  

We are here. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For help in English, call 608-251-7273. For help in Spanish, call 608-258-2567. All of our staff have access to interpreter services for other languages. 

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