It has been revealed that Doug Lafollette will be having a primary challenge from the Chair of the Dane County Democrat party.

At his last campaign in 2018 he stated a primary challenge to him was a nuisance. Even the democrat party is sounding the alarm bell that 40 years in office is a joke. I look FORWARD to defeating either of  them in the general election. I have received 59% of the vote in a poll in the 4th congressional district and 63% in the 3rd Congressional District. My primary opponent wants to keep the Wisconsin Election Commission just like the dems do.

The democrats are afraid it is going to be a clean sweep of the statewide offices to the Republicans. Which it will, with the history of 5 of the 6 members of the Wisconsin Election Commission, have been referred for felony prosecution. My father passed away 6.5 years ago and I could click on a red icon to register him to vote. That is why I have called for the Election Commission to be fired and the administrator to resign. State statutes violated for drop boxes, voting in the park, nursing home residents denied special voting deputies. Some think Covid 19 suspended the constitution WRONG.

If you put lipstick on a socialist pig it is still a pig.

I may need to challenge them both to a debate and they can defend all of the illegal activity regarding elections in Wisconsin.

For more information on cleaning up elections visit

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