MADISON – Today, State Representative Alex Joers (D-Middleton) attended Governor Tony Evers’ Biennial Budget Address. Within his address, Governor Evers highlighted his priorities for Wisconsinites throughout 2023-25. Representative Joers released the following statement: 

“Governor Evers has a clear plan for our state’s future and I support his efforts in furthering the progress Wisconsin has made under his administration. With unemployment rates at new lows and our state’s $7.1 billion surplus, there is still work to be done to ensure we continue this success. Governor Evers has proposed multiple common-sense initiatives that aim to build on this momentum and create a place in which citizens have the resources to reach their full potential.

“Throughout his speech, Governor Evers shared his goals for supporting Wisconsin families, veterans, seniors, teachers, students, workers, and small businesses. I appreciated hearing about the success of his Main Street Bounceback program, which has moved more than 8,500 small businesses into empty storefronts on our Main Streets. I am excited to see the continued expansion of many more local businesses across Wisconsin. I am heartened to see the $2.6 billion investment in K-12 schools and increasing the special education reimbursement rate to 60% in both years of the biennium. 

“In the budget recommendation we see tax relief targeted to those who need it most. Governor Evers follows through on his promise to deliver a 10% tax cut to the middle class, offering $1.2 billion in targeted tax relief to working families, parents, veterans, caregivers, seniors, and student loan borrowers. I appreciate Governor Evers’ commitment to creating a more equitable Wisconsin, and I look forward to supporting his provisions to do so as the state budget process continues in coming months.”

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