MADISON, WI – State Representative Dave Murphy (R-Greenville) made the following statement after Governor Evers’ 2023-24 budget address.
“The Legislature was never informed about this Brewer’s bombshell coming from the Governor. Projects this big have to be a collaborative effort between the Legislature and Governor. A $7 billion surplus is no reason to have taxpayers pick up the tab to subsidize millionaire players and billionaire owners. Taxpayers and their representatives need to have a say in this.”
“While we have a large current surplus, our ongoing surplus is more like $3 billion. We need to watch out for using one-time money to fund ongoing costs. Beyond that, we need to fund programs that work, not programs that are failing.”
“When it comes to education, for example, we can’t just keep spending money without expecting results. Schools can’t expect increased funding without expecting to show increased achievement. We’re all in favor of funding success, but when two-thirds of our kids can’t read at grade level that’s not acceptable.”
“Finally, I would like to work toward a flatter tax system to be more competitive with other states. Our tax system needs to incentivize people to come to Wisconsin.”