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The best part of Wednesday night was Trump’s interview with Tucker Carlson. Trump was on his game and laid out the policy issues at the core of his campaign. Recreate a sane and humane border policy, end the war in Ukraine, pivot away from the failed aspects of the green new deal, and save us all from the depredations of the crooked and oppressive occupant of the White House.

When Trump’s performance is juxtaposed against the spectacle of the debate it is clear Trump will be the nominee…and increasingly clear that he will be victorious in the general election as well. Once reelected he will save the nation, which would have already gone over the cliff if Trump had not served from 2017-2020.

As Trump noted in his interview, the corrupt Democrats will attack any Republican nominee with savage intensity and, whereas the other possible candidates are diminished by the pounding, it makes Trump stronger.

During the interview Trump also acknowledged that during his first Administration his personnel choices were sometimes, but not always, poor, and promised the experience he gathered would help him do better in this regard during his second term.

The debate in Milwaukee confirmed that there were, in fact, first term personnel missteps. Pence and Haley, who served at the top of the Trump Administration, led the warmonger’s chorus on Ukraine. Predictable and sad. The experience they tout has taught them nothing. Ramaswamy did much better on the Ukraine topic…and then he actually transcended himself by linking Biden’s (and Haley’s and Pence’s) fascination with losing overseas wars to the mismanaged and poorly led government’s failure to provide basic services to the American Public it exists to serve.

There should have been more conversation concerning the multi-jurisdictional government failures in averting or responding to disasters like the train derailment in Ohio and the wildfires on Maui. Vivek was ready to go there but the others preferred to shout him down on Ukraine.

Biden is crooked and vulnerable. Listening to everybody but Vivek support Biden’s failing foreign policy doesn’t help us escape Biden’s clutches and avert a looming foreign policy disaster. Listening to all the nuances of the candidates’ differences on abortion, or their past records, doesn’t help either. None of them are interesting enough to watch for very long, and from my perspective none of them have a more sterling character than the former president. They are like little widgets, all of whom either support Trump’s policies or diverge from them in ways that cost the GOP votes and/or are harmful to the nation. Therefore, GOP debating should cease sooner rather than later. The GOP should rally around Trump and begin the hard work of Saving America.

— Mobley is Thiensville village president.

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