MADISON – Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) fully and proudly supports the “Embrace Them Both’ bill package being offered by Senator Romaine Quinn (R-Cameron) and four State Representatives, Rep. Gae Magnafici (R-Dresser), Rep. Pat Snyder (R-Schofield, Rep. Amanda Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie), and Rep. Donna Rozar (R-Marshfield).
“’Embrace Them Both’ embodies what we have always said being pro-life means—recognizing that human life begins at conception and that pregnant women often need support. These four bills encompass important aspects of the life issue from different perspectives,” said WFA President, Julaine Appling.
The four bills being circulated for co-sponsors as of today do the following:
LRB-2792 (Quinn/Magnafici) – Clarifies in state statute that medical care to prevent the death of a pregnant woman does not constitute an abortion. Abortion is the intentional killing of an unborn child. Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and other unfortunate situations are not abortion. Such procedures are not about intentionally killing an unborn baby.
LRB-2486 (Quinn/Snyder) – Increases the dollar amount taxpayers can claim as an exemption for every dependent, including children from age 0-17, from $700 to $1000. It also, in recognition of the humanity of the pre-born, extends that coverage to unborn children for whom a fetal heartbeat has been detected.
LRB-2445 (Quinn/Nedweski)— Funds Wisconsin Pregnancy Care Centers (PRC) with a $1,000,000 annual grant to Choose Life Wisconsin, Inc., to in turn be distributed as grants to PRCs. Choose Life Wisconsin, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization has, since 2017, administered the receipt of and distribution of funds raised from the sale of the “Choose Life WI” specialty license plates that have been available to Wisconsin drivers. Over 2300 of these plates are currently on cars in Wisconsin, and over $275,000 has been granted to over thirty Wisconsin PRCs since May of 2018. PCCs offer women in crisis pregnancies real help both before and after the birth of their child, help that includes emotional support and much more. In many instances, PCCS offer medical services; job training; transportation; supplies such as diapers, formula, clothing, car seats, and more.
LRB-2918 (Quinn/Rozar)—Creates an Adoption Financial Assistance Grant Program designed to make adoption available to more Wisconsin families. The program would provide $5 million biennially to a Wisconsin adoption agency that gives financial help to families looking to adopt. The cost of adoption, even domestic adoptions, has risen substantially over the years and has become prohibitive for many couples that want to adopt. Adoption is a uniquely pro-life option that provides children with a forever family and is the answer to the hopes and dreams of many couples.
Appling noted, “We are grateful for the leadership Senator Quinn and Representatives Magnafici, Snyder, Nedweski, and Rozar are providing on these proposals. We encourage legislators to join the bills’ authors in co-sponsoring and championing these ideas that provide important clarity and funding to ensure Wisconsin’s future by protecting the unborn and assisting their mothers and fathers, both biological and adoptive.”