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After significant business failures, being paid huge sums for placing his name on almost anything, became the hallmark of the Trump business model. Trump’s exaggerated wealth portrayed on “The Apprentice” led disenchanted people to run toward any product or project with Trump’s name behind it.

In a video Trump made for the American Communications Network he assured recruits that the company was solid. “We do a lot of research on companies before I agree to do something like I am doing for you,” Trump said. “ACN is a great company.”

Later when a lawsuit was filed against ACN, and years of assuring potential recruits that he had thoroughly vetted the company Trump said, “I do not know the company, know nothing about the company. I’m not familiar with what they do or how they go about doing that, and I make that clear in my speeches.”

Companies embraced Trump’s fame and exaggerated wealth to reach into the wallets of people clinging to Trump’s words.

Trump collected his last check from ACN the year he ran for president. As a presidential candidate Trump’s words once again promised people he could take them to the promised land.

He sold followers on the belief that immigrants were the cause of their suffering and he would rid our nation of these non-Americans.

Trump may be rich with money but he lacks wealth in things that matter more. His false claims and dark words do not light the path to more goodness, peace and justice in America.

This is what Trump does. This is who Trump is.

– Hanson, of Elkhorn, is a member of the Walworth County Democratic Party.

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